GPIO Output

Most pins in a microcontroller are usually General Purpose Input Output pins. These can either output signals or read signals applied to them. They can be used for various applications, but in this case, we're using an led connected to the P1.1 pin.

Getting to blinky

  1. Go to the quickstart folder & copy it somewhere else. This is the binary crate we're going to work with

  2. Look at what's in there

    There are already various things in the folder. For now, we can pretty much ignore every non-source file, but if you're curious, this is why they're used

    • .cargo/config

      In here, the target architecture for our program is defined. See the embedonomicon for more details on architecture

    • memory.x

      This defines the amount and the location of flash & RAM for the target.

    • openocd.cfg

      Openocd needs some configuration to work. This contains it.

So, what's in the src/

There are a couple things needed, that aren't used in normal rust programs.

Let's go through them line-by-line:

  • #![no_std]

    The std library isn't implemented for microcontrollers, so it's disabled.

    This needs to be done in all binary & library crates

  • #![no_main]

    An embedded

  1. The first thing that's needed when starting is getting access to the peripherals.

    fn main() {
      let p = lpc8xx_hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
  2. Next, the system controller SYSCON, GPIO and the switch matrix SWM, that's controlling what each pin is used for, are brought into a usable state. This means

    fn main() {
      let swm = p.SWM.split();
      let mut syscon = p.SYSCON.split();
      let gpio = p.GPIO.enable(&mut syscon.handle);
  3. The blue led is connected to PIO1_1. To use it as a gpio pin, it needs to be configured as such in the switch matrix.

    fn main() {
      let led = swm.pins.pio1_1.into_gpio_pin(&gpio);
  4. Now that it's a gpio pin, it can be configured to act as an output

    fn main() {
      let mut led = led.into_output();
  5. Now all the needed setup is done, the only thing left is getting the LED to blink.

    This can be done by setting the pin high & low in a loop with the OutputPin trait. Unfortunately this is way too fast for any human to see. It can be slowed down, by repeatedly setting it high/low in a loop, since setting the pin takes some amount of time. A value of 1 000 000 works well in release mode.

    fn main() {
      loop {
          for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
          for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
  6. Last but not least, we still need to run & compile it. This can be done by executing cargo flash --release --chip LPC845M301JBD48. If everything was done correctly, the blue led should blink now.

Please note that the led is active low, it's on when the pin is set to 0V with set_low().

Now you can try a few more things with your newly gained knowledge:

  • Try blinking the other two leds, red on PIO0_2 and green on PIO0_0
  • By quickly turning the led on/off, the human eye perceives the led having a lowered brightness. This technique is called PWM and is almost always used for adjusting the brightness.