Development environment setup

Dealing with microcontrollers involves several tools, as we'll be dealing with an architecture different than your laptop's, and we'll have to run and debug programs on a "remote" device.


Without documentation it is pretty much impossible to work with microcontrollers.


We'll use all the tools listed below. Where a minimum version is not specified, any recent version should work but we have listed the version we have tested.

  • Cargo & rustc.
  • picocom or similar on linux and macOS
  • PuTTY on Windows.

Next, follow OS-agnostic installation instructions for a the tools:


Install rustup by following the instructions at

Follow the instructions to get the latest stable version of rust. To make sure, just execute

rustup default stable

Then you'll need to install the thumbv6m-none-eabi target for the cortex-m0 cpu inside the lpc845:

rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi

Then we'll install cargo-flash using cargo:

cargo install cargo-flash

It's from the great probe-rs project, and is used for getting your code onto the microcontroller.


Unfortunately, most linux distributions don't allow non-root applications to talk directly to usb devices. This means, you'd need to use root to talk to the debug probe, but we can just use a udev rule to fix this for these devices.

You wanna add the following into a file under /etc/udev/rules.d/, for example 70-cmsis-dap.rules

# CMSIS-DAP devices
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{product}=="*CMSIS-DAP*", GROUP="wheel", MODE="0660"

Now tell udev to reload the rules with

sudo udevadm control --reload

Verify your setup

First, clone the repo of the lpc8xx-hal:

git clone

Enter the directory and flash the program onto your microcontroller with

cargo flash --chip LPC845M301JBD48 --example gpio_delay --release --features 845-r

Now the blue led on your board should blink